Sep 16, 2012

上戸彩 さん, 結婚おめでとうございます!

上户彩与拍拖两年,那Exile的HIRO (五十嵐廣行) 在2012年9月14日正式注册结婚啦。

Jun 11, 2010

長痛不如短痛? 這樣真的對嗎?

我曾對他說過﹕“你一定要好好的珍惜她的存在﹗” 這樣的一句話﹐得到了幾乎所有在場者的支持。但他卻低著頭﹐ 讓我看到他的內疚感。
我一再重複同樣的一句話﹐ 只希望能至少說服他﹐嘗試開始真正的接受她。雖然只有那麼一句話﹐但它卻實實在在的反應出了大家眼中的偉大女孩。一心一意對他的特底付出。重來就沒有計較過任何的回報。

我長被問到﹕ “你真的認為他們能長久嗎?” 我不以為然的一笑置之﹐繼續一再提醒他﹐必需珍惜她﹐嘗試真真的以心對待她。只希望她能儘快的成為他名符其實的女朋友。我忍不住的道出﹕“ 他們要是真的玩完了﹐一定是他的決定﹗” 這並不意為著我責備他的霸道﹐ 我只在讚揚著她那不求回報的愛。 我看到了她的真心﹐更希望她的那顆真心不會被封印起來。這也是唯一能解釋為何我會那麼在意他們兩人的關係。要知道﹐ 我不是月老﹐不會特意牽紅線。

心是脆弱的。受過傷的真心的的確確是會特底的被冷凍﹐並寄存在那看不到底的深井內﹐極大可能一輩子也不會再被釋放。沒了溫度的真心﹐ 會讓男生選擇成為花花世界里的痞子男。失去真心的女生﹐或許也會變成這無知世界中的一朵交際花。撈不回真心的男女﹐ 更可能一生不會再有戀愛﹐只有到了適婚年齡才尋找一個適合成為伴侶的結婚對象﹐ 來共度晚年。


一段戀情﹐沒有絕對的所謂誰對誰錯。這逼近是你情我願的事。但我始終認為﹐一段戀情的結合﹐是存在著兩個部份的結晶体- ‘愛’ 和‘ 熱誠’。 ‘熱誠’會隨著時間的流失而漸漸減弱。當任何一方的‘熱誠’消失時﹐往往就是一段戀情結束的開始。 可惡的是﹐一段戀情的失去﹐卻往往帶不走其中的‘愛’。也因如此﹐愛得越深﹐就註定會傷的越痛。

這時﹐身邊的人藉著‘長痛不如短痛’的名義﹐建議他要狠下決心﹐與她劃清界限。 我不敢說這是錯的提議﹐但我始終覺得實在不應該是這樣。 正如我所說的。‘愛’是不會因為一段戀情的結束而消失的。

Mar 1, 2009

Gay Relationships

Why I think that gay relationship will never last?

Personally I really feel that ‘love’ itself is not enough to maintain a relationship. Whenever we meet someone and we love each other, it should at first come with ‘passion’ and ‘love’, and both of the ‘passion’ and ‘love’ create the extraordinary relationship within the particular couple.

Sure ‘love’ is always there and will be with us, regardless whether we are still calling each other as ‘My Dear / My Darling’, or the extraordinary relationship had already became a past tense.  But, ‘passion’ is what will keep reducing by itself, or even totally disappeared when both of the couple were staying closer together for a long time period with each another. As the result, once the ‘passion’ is gone, the particular homosexual relationship will become a history story for both of the couple as well.

Unlike homosexual relationship, couples which involve in heterosexual relationship will normally marriage each other before the ‘passion’ within the particular relationship are gone. After getting married, ‘responsibility’ will replaces the ‘passion’, and keeps the relationship last much longer together with ‘love’.  

Perhaps some might say that there are some places around the world where gay marriage is allowed. Well, my advice is that if you can get yourself there, yet I will wish you and your partner the very good luck. Otherwise, just try your very best to be more conservative in love, and to persuade traditional relationship that will never contradicting to any cultures or religions in this world.

To me, it is really suffering if you fall in love deeply with someone, but you are not able to be together with him/her in the rest of your life. Hence, with no offence to anyone, I still feel that people who involving in homosexual relationship will probably end up the rest of their life with suffering. Suffer from struggling in how to maintain an extraordinary relationship with the lack of responsibility. Suffer from facing the possible criticisms due to such relationships are still not well acceptable by the majority. Even suffer from countless dilemmas and tragedies, if you are reside in a country where such relationship is deemed to be a serious offence by the nation laws.     

Anyway, I just want to mention that, people should be given the rights to choose their love behaviour, to select who to fell in love with, and to decide the life style of their life. This is the basic human rights that we should respect. And remember, laws just for the majority and could be changed in anytime in the future, after the majority is convinced and changed their minds.   

Feb 11, 2009

Valentine's Day 情人节

Valentine's Day, as we know it today, contains vestiges of

 both Christian and ancient Roman tradition. The Catholic

 Church recognizes at least three different saints named

 Valentine or Valentinus, all of whom were martyred.

One legend contends that Valentine was a priest who 

served during the third century in Rome. When Emperor 

Claudius II decided that single men made better soldiers 

than those with wives and families, he outlawed marriage

 for young men — his crop of potential soldiers. Valentine,

 realizing the injustice of the decree, defied Claudius and 

continued to perform marriages for young lovers in secret. 

When Valentine's actions were discovered, Claudius 

ordered that he be put to death.




(Valentine or Valentinus),所有的聖人都是被杀害的。


(Valentine or Valentinus) 当時的皇帝克劳迪乌斯二世决定,為



克劳迪乌斯和继续秘密履行年轻恋人的證婚儀式。 克劳迪乌斯在發現


便開始了以他名Valentine定為情人節Valentine's Day。

Jan 25, 2009

Zodiac Love in 2009

鼠 Rat Born in: 1924 1936 1948 1960 1972 1984 1996 2008
You enjoy a sizzling and affectionate year. Sparks with the opposite gender appear readily, especially for those born in 1972. Seize opportunity when there is any. Married couples have to build up mutual trust and strong affections for each other. Moral discipline have to be upheld nevertheless.

牛 Ox Born in: 1925 1937 1949 1961 1973 1985 1997
Neutral romance luck level with no major breakthrough. Your shyness, introvert attitude and major mood swings will be detrimental to your relationship with family members, friends and colleagues. Have tolerance, and control your emotional charges. But there is still opportunity to meet your dream love too.

虎 Tiger Born in: 1926 1938 1950 1962 1974 1986 1998
Youth are easily acquainted with friends of the opposite gender, and subsequently fall deeply in love. This will affect the academic performance, so focus on your studies at hand, affection later. Couples are blissfully engage in their love affairs with hope of tying the knot soon. Those married should keep their hands in their pockets and steer clear of temptations.

兔 Rabbit Born in: 1927 1939 1951 1963 1975 1987 1999
Mood and emotional discharges are very unstable. You feel left out, and lonely. Do attempt to correct your twisted perception of your partner and others around you. They do show care for you just that your temperamental behaviour causes them confusion and misinterpretation of your intentions. Trust, care and communication are keys to a fruitful relationship.

龙 Dragon Born in: 1928 1940 1952 1964 1976 1988 2000
There are impediments in the romance luck all because of interference made by vile persons. Caution against deceitful words which can cause conflicts with someone you care. Maintain this relationship carefully with affection, trust and communication. There is offspring luck. Show more care to your pregnant spouse.

蛇 Snake Born in: 1929 1941 1953 1965 1977 1989 2001
A frequent winner in the love arena. However, you will meet the romance setback this year. Married couples should communicate and show more care for each other. Doing so will create a very blissful and loving marriage. Couples should be sincere and wedding bells will be heard ringing. Singles should proactively seek for their true and claim victory fast.

馬 Horse Born in: 1930 1942 1954 1966 1978 1990 2002
A very colourful year of romance. Many sparks occur during social networking sessions. However, attached couples have to caution against intrusion of third parties. Control your lust and treat all affection with a sense of morality and sensibility.

羊 Goat Born in: 1931 1943 1955 1967 1979 1991 2003
Love luck is full of untamed waves of fluctuations. Mood swings and emotional changes are too great. Coupled with vile persons causing sabotage, conflicts with your love ones are bound to occur. But you can resolve it by being more tolerant. Show respect and more affection to your dearest.

猴 Monkey Born in: 1932 1944 1956 1968 1980 1992 2004
You feel exhilarated because of the many joyous news. Because most things are proceeding as planned, you feel happy and so romance luck flows smoothly as well. A good time to discuss marriage or start a blossoming romance. Couples are blissful and affectionate.

雞 Rooster Born in: 1933 1945 1957 1969 1981 1993 2005
Roosters are very faithful when it comes to romance. But there is no breakthrough in romance luck this year because of severe mood and emotional disturbance. Thus, be more tolerant and affectionate to your companion. Pave a path of common goal and future. Married couples could go for a rejuvenating vacation

狗 Dog Born in: 1922 1934 1946 1958 1970 1982 1994 2006
A very favourable affinity with the opposite gender can sparks romance. Singles should get to know each other better once they found a target. Couples blissfully enjoy each other’s company yet there are vile persons interfering. Avoid one night stand, as they will cause you much sorrow and trouble.

豬 Pig born in: 1923 1935 1947 1959 1971 1983 1995 2007
You felt exhausted and down, especially with regards to your relationship with your love ones and family members. There are constant conflicts and frustrations. Do your best to untie the knot of worries and problems. Being more tolerant, forgiving and understanding will be helpful. Then you will all be blissful.

Source:Geomancy Hut

Dec 14, 2008


作詞: 浜崎あゆみ 作曲: Kazuhito Kikuchi

好きなモノだけを 選んでくのが



Ah- 指切りをしたあの日の約束は 
Ah- 語り明かしたいつかの夢だって 

la la la - 

la la la - 

Choosing only the things you like
isn't irresponsible.
If you can't find anything you like
then why accept the responsibility?
I take only the possibilities that I'm ready to accept.

If it's something you don't need then
compassion is of no use at all.
If it's something important then
pain will probably accompany it.
Loneliness that you feel together is worse
than a loneliness that you feel
by yourself.

No matter what loneliness comes,
no matter what pain you feel,
you mustn't close your eyes to it.
Because even if you lose all your
words, even if you say it doesn't matter,
if you stumble
it will be there to help you up.
That's what kind of thing it is.

Ah, that promise we made that day.
I don't want to keep it by myself.
Ah, that far off dream we talked of throughout the night.
I don't want to make it come true by myself.
I can't tell anyone. I want to tell someone, that
that person is more important to me than anyone else.

la la la-
In a nonexistant place
I stand as I am.
Please be yourself.
That's how I want you to be.

la la la-
In a nonexistant place
I stand as I am.
Please be yourself.
I want you to be that way forever.
